If you are planning to install or replace a roof on your home, whether it is in Huntington Beach, Irvine, Mission Viejo, San Clemente, or Yorba Linda, knowing the pros and cons of your options is essential. Both tiles and shingles have their benefits and disadvantages. Considering cost alone may not be the best deciding factor between these choices. For instance, though tiles cost much more than shingles and are more challenging to replace than shingles, tiles last longer and provide better climate protection. On the other hand, shingles cost less than tiles, and are versatile, easier to replace, and have varieties that can offset many advantages tiles offer, such as weather protection. This article will discuss the pros and cons of these roofing materials, especially when it comes to maintenance, to help you decide which roofing option is best for your Orange County home.
Composition Shingle Roofing:
Today, roofing shingles are one of the most popular roofing materials in North America. Roofing shingles are also widely available nationwide. They can be made from a variety of different materials, such as plastic, shake, slate, fiberglass, composite wood, natural wood, and even copper. Today's most widely available roofing shingle material is asphalt, a mixture of fiberglass and asphalt. Composition shingles or Asphalt shingles are popular today because of their affordability, availability, excellent water protection, and ease of installation.
Many homeowners prefer the look of shingles on their roofs, mainly because shingles are available in different colors, textures, styles, and shapes, which can match most modern home designs. Shingles are typically light, thin, small, and rectangular and are designed to overlap each other when installed on the roof to ensure adequate protection for your home. Most roof shingle materials have excellent fire resistance, reflect sunlight, and are easy to maintain.
Roofing Tiles:
Roofing tiles, like iron corrugated roofs, are more popular outside North America than shingles. Roofing tiles provide your home with a stylish and attractive look. Homes with roofing styles have an exceptional appearance that reflects design elements borrowed from Italian, Mediterranean, Spanish, and mission architecture which are popular in the Southwestern United States.
Roofing tiles are available in different styles and colors, which can match your home's design. The materials used for roofing tiles are earth-based, which can be clay, terracotta, concrete, ceramic, or state. Tiles are placed in rows that overlap to ensure water won't run between tiles and direct the water to the ground or gutter. Their weight and strength can protect your home much longer than roofing shingles. Though more expensive than shingles, roofing tiles are more readily available to Orange County residents than in other areas of the United States.
Roof Shingles vs. Roof Tiles: What Are the Differences?
What sets both roofing types apart is the materials used to make them. The material differences are substantial in providing the difference between the two roofing choices. These differences define their appearance, weight, durability, cost, and ease of maintenance.
Material Differences:
Appearance is typically the deciding factor between choices. Both shingles and tiles can look great on homes. However, personal preferences play a more significant part in determining which roofing looks better.
Shingles provide more options for customization and are versatile enough to match most home designs because they are available in different materials, textures, styles, and colors. Homeowners and architects can match shingle color and texture options that blend well with their home's color, style, and trims.
Tiles, on the other hand, provide a unique and luxurious look to your home. If you have a mission-style or Spanish-style home design, tiles are the best choice to maintain the theme throughout the exterior of your home. Unlike shingles, which can't typically be painted over, you can have your tile roofing painted to match the shades, colors, and design cues of your home. Tiles are also available in various sizes and styles that accentuate the unique quality of your home.
Because of their material, roofing tiles are much heavier per square foot than any shingle choice. Though most homes are designed to take on the weight of tile roofing, you will need to consider that the structure of your home may have fragile elements that may not safely support the weight of tile roofing in specific segments.
Shingles are typically lightweight and can be supported by the structural elements of any home. Suppose you live in areas that receive heavy rainfall. In that case, you may place a double layer of shingles to ensure better water protection without compromising your home's structural ability to support your roof.
Climate and Weather Resistance:
Roofing materials are designed to protect your home from any climatic or weather conditions. The materials used for tile roofing make it tougher and better able to withstand a broader range of climatic conditions than shingles. However, stone or concrete makes tile materials more brittle in hotter regions. On the other hand, asphalt shingles are better suited for warmer areas because of their resistance to bleaching and becoming brittle due to high temperatures and direct sunlight.
Tiles are denser and more durable to resist freezing temperatures than most roofing shingles. In colder weather, especially if it snows, provided that your home's structure can support tiles, tiles can carry the weight of snow. On the other hand, snow tends to slide off shingles.
Because of the weight and structure of tile roofing, they less likely to be dislodged by strong winds or damaged by heavy rains through the decades. Lighter shingle material can be sheared or blown off by strong winds and storms. However, hail will likely damage tiles more. Moreover, it is easier to replace shingles in sections should your roof receive weather damage.
Singles cost much less than tiles per square foot. Shingles cost between $60 to $100 per 100 square feet. Moreover, shingles are cheaper to install at $50 to $80 per 100 square feet in Orange County. Installing or replacing shingles is easier if you choose to do it yourself.
On the other hand, tile roofing costs are much higher. Roofing tiles cost between $100 to $300 per 100 square feet. Moreover, you may need to consider if the structural elements of your home are sturdy enough to support the weight of tile roofing. If you hire a professional, expect to spend between $10,000 to $30,000 to install tile roofing over a 1500-square-foot area if you need to place additional support.
Tile roofing typically exceeds the lifespan of any shingle, regardless of material. Asphalt shingles may last between 10 to 30 years. On the other hand, tile roofing can last for decades more than shingles. Some tile roofing manufacturers offer 50-year warranties.
Where shingles stand out are their other benefits. Shingles have better algae resistance, and some materials have superior fire resistance. Though shingles are more susceptible to weather damage than tiles, at least they are easy to fix. Moreover, fiberglass and asphalt shingles make it easier to repair and replace damaged segments.
Which Is Easier To Maintain: Tiles or Shingles?
Because of the nature of the materials used for making tiles, tile roofing can last for over a century with proper maintenance. Moreover, tiles can resist weather damage better than shingles can. However, you must be careful not to drop tools or take heavy steps on tiles. In the case of Orange County, summer temperatures can reach levels that can weaken tile roofing.
On the other hand, shingles, though less durable than tiles, are replaceable in sections if some of them become damaged. Moreover, you don't have to worry about algae growth because most shingle choices today resist algae and moss growth better than tiles. Appearance-wise, it is easy to maintain shingles because dirty portions on shingles are more challenging to see than debris or grime buildup on tile roofs.
Regardless of the roofing choice, roofing maintenance is similar because you need to do an annual inspection to detect and replace broken or missing segments. Regular cleaning is also required regardless of tile choices. However, it will cost less to clean shingles because of their algae and moss resistance.
Takeaways: Which Is Better for Orange County Homeowners: Tiles or Shingles?
Judging which roofing material is better depends on many factors. You may prefer tiles if you have a house design that works better with tile roofing. If you have a modern house design with clean lines, the understated result of shingled roofs may suit your home better. Tiles are more durable and can last for over a century with proper care. When it comes to maintenance, both may have similar costs of ownership over time.
Shingles and tile roofing can also increase a home's resale value. If your home's design suits tile roofing, expect your home's value to rise more than if you opt for shingled roofing. On the other hand, shingles cost less to clean, and sections can be easily and affordably replaced if they receive weather damage.
Regardless of your roofing choice, let the Rescue Roofer Difference bring more value to your roofing. With the industry's most experienced and top-notch people and very personable and friendly customer service, and proactive communication, you can rest assured that you will get the best quality roof repair and maintenance anywhere in Orange County and beyond. To learn more about our services, call us at 1-888-346-7663, or fill out the contact form on the About Us page.